My Store’s First Anniversary

One year ago, on this day, I opened my little store – a place that I adore and cherish. Although not expected, this year was very similar to the first year of my original atelier, 2006. Regardless of all the years of consistent work, investment, learning and building up my label, it all came down to redoing everything from the start. I opened this beautiful space three months before the pandemic and I don’t regret it, but I wish I would have been prepared. Prepared to protect it better and offer it the chance to receive any kind of governmental support during the Corona crisis. My business just entered the 15th year of activity (paying taxes and everything else) and sadly, this government refused to support it, in comparison to offering help to businesses that opened up a couple of months before the first lockdown. Although it is hard to believe and accept, it actually feels like a betrayal, I will continue to respect the rules and laws and love this country that became my second home 18 years ago. As a side note, regarding this matter – I fully respect every attempt of legal advise and good intentions. I have been receiving a lot of sympathy and advise from many of you, but I am well informed and been working with an accountant for the past 12 years, I am aware of the basic laws and information provided by the Chamber of Commerce and financial institutions.

The wonderful side of this year, is all the good that happened. <3

First, seeing, discovering and applauding something that makes this world amazing: the humanity. There were many tears and most of them, of joy! Having this little store allowed me to get to know people that I would have never met otherwise. It allowed me to see the best in my friends, the best in strangers, the best in acquaintances and colleagues. I will soon make a list and I will write down all the names of those lovely souls! Stay blessed!

Secondly, I did so many creative projects & products and I dared to open new paths. I was published in two relevant publications, did a radio interview in German, launched the project with Albertina Museum …. I never thought that I will design and sew 250 face masks or that I will find the time to open my YouTube channel (coming soon!). I am so proud and grateful that this year happened, it brought so much value, reassessments and clarity.

This year also showed me that there are two types of people: those that find great pleasure in being generous and those that find great pleasure in being greedy. That makes the difference between being human and inhuman. The good and charitable nature will always be above and I am proud that I always responded to each act of generosity by being generous to someone else in need.

In this regard, I also wish to publicly thank my landlords for being human, for being altruistic and understanding. We never met in person but they love this space as much as I do and appreciate to have someone that maintains quality and character to their work and possessions. And this is something that many Viennese wish and support: a city that is filled with art, culture, handcraft, commitment, authenticity and a substantial value.

I hope that many (small) businesses and artists that give so much to our society, to find the strength, hope and ambition to hold on and find the best way to succeed into better times. Most importantly, to be surrounded by humans (and nature) <3

I look forward welcoming you all to Argentinierstraße 28, after the 6th of December, when the lockdown will be lifted! I’ve sewn lots of designs from accessories to coats and you will always find something for you and your dear ones.

Wishing everyone a wonderful winter, as much as possible - in safety, good health and lots of love!

