My Store’s First Anniversary

One year ago, on this day, I opened my little store – a place that I adore and cherish. Although not expected, this year was very similar to the first year of my original atelier, 2006. Regardless of all the years of consistent work, investment, learning and building up my label, it all came down to redoing everything from the start.

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My Online Store Is Back

I’ve set up my online store about three years ago, as a digital showroom for a group of customers that didn’t have the time to frequently visit my showroom or atelier but were interested to see and buy my work. I didn’t advertise it, and when I opened my brick and mortar shop, I placed it on hold as some designs were selling before having the chance to be photographed and uploaded into the online space.

In the new shopping climate as many work from home or simply don’t feel like going on a physical shopping spree and the genuine request, and appreciation for quality and locally made products increased,

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Store Story — Video

I opened my store almost two months ago and shortly before that, I decided to not host an official opening event as I wanted to meet & greet everyone personally in a calm setting. I am so happy that this idea worked out so well! I fully enjoyed each visit, especially your genuine interest in my work and all your energy, compliments and joy when you found something that you love!

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Store Story

The idea of opening a store came from the desire of having a unique space where I can display my work, sell it first hand and meet my customers on a well coordinated schedule. It took me four months of constant search and about as double the amount of time to organize all the tiny details that makes a store functional, inviting and unique. From the moment I first entered in this space, I simply knew that it's the ideal one for me and all my designs: the casual line The Garden Suite, the formal line Pearl's Orangery, the bridal dresses from The Gentle Flowers and The Golden Fairies line and the accessories (hair adornments, jewelry and handbags).

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