Black Lives Matter

I was born in Romania and I live in Austria since 18 years. I used to be a shy, introvert child. Started to develop stuttering after my mother was beaten up in a racist attack. The condition disappeared after some years but the scars and childhood memories remained part of my identity (equally as much, all the little miracles and love that I received). I don't like to talk or write about sensitive, painful matters but the past days have been heavy. Therefore, I wish to share a few sincere, intimate thoughts. I can only speak out of my own, personal opinion and life experience. Whenever I see a mixed race couple or family, I salute with my heart the white part. With some people, usually mothers, the (negative) impact of being together with a darker skin person especially having children together, is stronger than walking in my shoes. I know that they grew up having values that enabled them to see the heart, soul, mind, talents of a person. And the shock at the first racist blows is high. My mother was naive, fragile and free spirited when she met my father. She only saw his charm, intelligence, coolness. I wish that she had never met my father. Having me and my sister and being a single parent was a too high price to pay. All the traumas took a toll on her emotional, physical, financial health, her entire well being. Past cannot be changed and I am happy that I have the ability to make my mother feel safe, appreciated and happy.

Below, my ethnicity’s DNA profile and chronicled glimpses from my life journey: