Celebrating Maria Christina Project

Last Wednesday, my shop was visited by friends, press, customers, colleagues and neighbours to have a closer look at Maria Christina's bridal ensemble, created in partnership with Albertina Museum. I was overjoyed to welcome everyone and I took all the measures to make my guests feel at ease and safe given the current state. The door was first opened at 10:30am and closed at 9pm, we were not more than 6 - 7 people at once from a total of 25... hands were washed, laughs and cheers were not spared.

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Store Story

The idea of opening a store came from the desire of having a unique space where I can display my work, sell it first hand and meet my customers on a well coordinated schedule. It took me four months of constant search and about as double the amount of time to organize all the tiny details that makes a store functional, inviting and unique. From the moment I first entered in this space, I simply knew that it's the ideal one for me and all my designs: the casual line The Garden Suite, the formal line Pearl's Orangery, the bridal dresses from The Gentle Flowers and The Golden Fairies line and the accessories (hair adornments, jewelry and handbags).

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